11/11 Awakening of Humanity: Activate your Divine Spark

With Julie Valentin

November 7 - 12, 2024

Date and Time Details: November 7 - 12, 2024

Location: Wisdom Spirit Ranch

Address: 10800 Clover Lane, Cornville, AZ, USA

Contact: Julie Valentin
+(855) 626-9977

  • Emerald Emergance - Andromedian Room – $2,777.00
  • Emerald Emergence - Arcturian Room (Shared) – $2,222.00
  • Emerald Emergence - Emerald Room – $2,777.00
  • Emerald Emergence - Emerald Room (Shared) – $2,222.00
  • Emerald Emergence - Lyrian Room – $2,777.00
  • Emerald Emergence - Pleiadian Room (Shared) – $2,222.00
  • Emerald Emergence - Sirian Room (Shared) – $2,222.00
  • Wisdom Keeper - The Apprentice Room – $2,777.00
  • Wisdom Keeper - The Shaman Room – $2,777.00

About Wisdom Spirit Ranch (WSR):

At Wisdom Spirit Ranch, our mission is to provide a sacred space for individuals to explore ancient wisdom, connect with cosmic energies, and undergo transformative experiences. Through immersive events and guided practices, we facilitate access to Lemurian gateways and empower individuals to unlock their highest potential. Our goal is to foster a sense of community and support as individuals journey towards self-discovery, healing, and integration. We are committed to creating an environment where guests can align with their true essence, embrace their unique gifts, and courageously navigate life’s challenges with freedom and conviction. Join us on this journey of exploration, growth, and enlightenment at Wisdom Spirit Ranch.

Julie Valentin and Tim Fraser are Certified Star Magic Healing Facilitators.

During this workshop, Julie & Tim will be powering the event with Star Magic Healing Frequency to facilitate Transformation with you. Star Magic Healing is a powerful multi-dimensional modality that enables a Trained Facilitator to access your holographic blueprint and activate change that will create physical, mental, spiritual,  and emotional results quickly.

What to expect:

The Property/Land:  Experience the Ancient Lemurian Temple energies and the activated space at WSR, the ancient and Galactic support of the land. Experience the magic of the water that surrounds the land and the cosmic connections to this place. This combined with the power of Star Magic and special teachers with worldwide followings, makes space for truly powerful and Magical transformations!

Star Magic Healing Facilitator works in the Quantum…  Here is what is possible with this modality:

  • Optimized Health
  • Addictions disappear.
  • The 3rd eye is activated.
  • Dormant DNA is awakened.
  • Self-worth is realized.
  • Peak health is reclaimed.
  • Manifestation becomes effortless.
  • Mental healing and clarity.
  • High levels of vitality and motivation.
  • Deep & profound connection to Source.
  • Emotional balance is restored.
  • A frequency of real inspiration.
  • Magnetic confidence and charisma.
  • Higher levels of awareness are reached.
  • Lifestyle freedom with work-life balance.
  • Amplified creativity and creation power.
  • Crystal clarity of vision, path and purpose.
  • Looking younger & reversal of premature aging.

How to Prepare:

  • Eat Clean – Eat Mother Nature. DETOX:)
  • Exercise
  • No Alcohol
  • No cigarettes, tobacco or vapes
  • No Sugar or processed foods
  • No coffee or black tea. (ONLY HERBAL)
  • Drink 3 liters + of water per day.
  • No recreational drugs before or on the property during the event
  • Increase/start your meditation and intentions for what you want from the event prior to arrival
  • Choose Your Company Wisely – No Energy Vampires – You know who I mean
  • And get yourself into nature, cuddle some trees. Meditate with some trees. Talk to some trees

For the full itinerary please visit this link: Entering the ‘8-8-8’ Lionsgate: Activate your Ascension Keys

DAY 1: Connecting with Ancient Wisdom [November 7, 2024]

  • Afternoon
    • 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM –Wednesday Check-in
    • 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM –Gathering

DAY 2: Connecting with the 11/11 Gateway on super speed as we start fast and furious with Star Magic activation [November 8, 2024]

  • Morning
    • 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM –Fire Ceremony lead by Shaman extraordinaire Hillary Metz,
    • 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM –Break
    • 8:45 AM – 10:15 AM –Julie leads you in an exercise
    • 10:15 AM – 10:30 AM –Break
    • 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM  –Group meditation session Powered by Star Magic
  • Afternoon
    • 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM –Lunch
    • 2:00 PM -3:00 PM –Tim leads circle/shares
    • 3:00 PM to 3:15 PM –Break
    • 3:15 PM – 5:00 PM –Star magic breathwork
    • 5:00 PM –Dinner

DAY 3: Cosmic Connection (Friday November 9, 2024)

  • Morning
    • 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM –Daily Intentions and meditation
    • 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM –Sharing the origins of the Source Code portal on WSR
    • 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM –Break
    • 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM  –Alchemy Tension
  • Afternoon
    • 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM –Lunch
    • 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM  –Share of program options
    • 3:15 PM – 3:30 PM –Break
    • 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM –Cacao ceremony
    • 6:30 PM –Dinner

Day 4: Integration and Transformation (Saturday November 10, 2024)

  • Morning 
    • 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM –Meditation connecting with Galactic Energies at Emerald Emergence portal
    • 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM –Break and journaling creekside or at the Zen garden
  • Afternoon
    • 4:45 PM – 6:00 PM –Tibetan Bowl Meditation
    • 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM –Dinner and free evening for reflection

Day 5: Integration and Transformation (Sunday November 11, 2024)

  • Morning 
    • 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM –TBD Uncover your Divine connections and Greatness with Alchemy.
    • 11:00 AM – 11:20 AM –Break
    • 11:20 AM – 1:00 PM –Meditation or alchemy exercise & questions on program
  • Afternoon
    • 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM –Lunch
    • 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM –Closing Alchemy
    • 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM –Dinner on your own and an Evening for reflection

Day 6: Healing and Integration (Monday November 12, 2024)

  • Morning 
    • 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM –Monday Check Out

Lasting Impacts May Look A Little Like This…….

  • Solidify your inner knowing and recognize how powerful your gifts are so you passionately pursue what’s in your heart and soul 100% with nary a doubt.
  • Allow the past to be the past and dissolve those subtle sticky patterns (perfectionism, pushing, doing too much, inner doubt, you name it!) so you can courageously meet each new moment with freedom and conviction.
  • Speak up and hold your own no matter who or what surrounds you – from life’s challenges to tricky relationships.
  • Know the next right action to take in your life and career – and if you’re a healer or coach, how to take your practice to a larger audience.
  • New friends and community sharing your passion for conscious growth and support
  • You’re back at Wisdom Spirit Ranch in No Time, now leading your own group of 12 or 24 on a guided journey knowing you’re surrounded by the temples, the angels, and the dragons and you’re one of the first few back to the Lemurian Origins.

Thank you, with all my love and appreciation.

Julie Valentin

About the Leader

Julie Valentin

I am passionate about creating with the marriage of Alchemy and Star Magic. To be a true creator we step outside of our culturally formed boxes and into who we truly are.  That is done by releasing unseen/unconscious behaviors driven by your inner belief structures,  connecting deeply within, and creating from your deep inner knowing […]

Learn more about Julie Valentin

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