Julie Valentin

I am passionate about creating with the marriage of Alchemy and Star Magic. To be a true creator we step outside of our culturally formed boxes and into who we truly are.  That is done by releasing unseen/unconscious behaviors driven by your inner belief structures,  connecting deeply within, and creating from your deep inner knowing hidden under the existing unconscious structure.   By consciously creating a life of alchemy and wonder, I am living a rich, soulful life, sharing, assisting, and guiding people to their joy. It’s important to know that we are all on this journey together few are born; with full access to their full conscious abilities and gifts.  I know how to lead a life of magic and creativity and it is my mission to demonstrate and lead those who are guided by their inner knowledge; to keep moving forward on their journey, trusting that the right teachers, places, techniques, partners, and life work will appear. Wisdom Spirit Ranch is for those who don’t want to spend another day, year, or decade repeating patterns and old paradigms that don’t add creative flow, joy, or transformation to your life. That is why I dedicate my life to offering life-changing transformation, and my mission at Wisdom Spirit Ranch is to do exactly that with awe and wonder. By greeting the unknown with a new set of instructions, revealed at the moment through wonder and curiosity, and interacting with other kindred spirits, transformation occurs and a love for life is experienced.